Dr Tan Bee Wan is a social worker, social entrepreneur, lecturer and consultant. She is also the Executive Chairman of Integrative Learning Corporation (ILC) Singapore, an international consulting & management development group and ACE Seniors, a social enterprise with the mission of empowering 50+ years old and enabling them to remain relevant and a source of inspiration for their community.
Prior to leading Integrative, she was the Executive Director of the Singapore Council of Social Service and Community Chest of Singapore and CEO of Tsao Foundation.
She is adjunct lecturer for SUSS and NUS Business School; designing and teaching social leadership, social innovation, social enterprises and CSR, fundraising and philanthropy for the Master in Nonprofit Management, Master of Community and Social Leadership, and NUS-MBA Programme.
Bee Wan graduated with a Ph.D. from the National University of Singapore and Master of Social Work from the University of Wisconsin- Milwaukee, USA. Her Ph.D. dissertation is titled, “Research Study on the Trends and Patterns of Corporate Giving to Charities in Singapore”.