We have been alerted to the presence of unauthorised Telegram accounts impersonating Frasers Commercial Trust (“FCOT”). FCOT has been merged with and is part of Frasers Logistics & Commercial Trust (“FLCT”). These fraudulent accounts may attempt to engage with shareholders and the public, or solicit sensitive information under false pretenses. Please be informed that these messages from these accounts are part of a phishing scam.
FLCT will never use Telegram or other social media channels to request for personal or financial information.
If you encounter any suspicious messages or accounts, do not respond or share any personal or financial information. Report any suspicious accounts or messages to Telegram immediately.
If you have any concerns or need assistance, please contact our Investor Relations at: IR_FLCT@frasersproperty.com
Frasers Logistics & Commercial Trust Frasers Logistics & Commercial Trust (“FLCT”) is a Singapore-listed real estate investment trust with a portfolio comprising 114 industrial and commercial properties, worth approximately S$6.8 billion, diversified across five major developed markets – Australia, Germany, Singapore, the United Kingdom and the Netherlands. FLCT was listed on the Mainboard of Singapore Exchange Securities Trading Limited (“SGX-ST”) on 20 June 2016 as Frasers Logistics & Industrial Trust and was subsequently renamed Frasers Logistics & Commercial Trust on 29 April 2020 following the completion of a merger with Frasers Commercial Trust.
FLCT’s investment strategy is to invest globally in a diversified portfolio of income-producing properties used predominantly for logistics or industrial purposes located globally, or commercial purposes (comprising primarily CBD office space, non-CBD office space and/or research and development business park space) located in the Asia-Pacific region or in Europe (including the United Kingdom).
FLCT is a constituent of the FTSE EPRA Nareit Global Real Estate Index Series (Global Developed Index), Straits Times Index and Global Property Research (GPR) 250.
high-quality properties
portfolio value
*As of 30 September 2024