Farnborough Business Park

Farnborough Business Park is a high-quality business park located in Farnborough, Thames Valley (west of London). Spanning 46.5 hectares, the business park comprises 14 commercial buildings1, including 9 office buildings, two car showrooms, an office-cum-industrial building and two cafes.



Lettable Area:

50,743 sqm

The property has excellent connectivity, including direct connections to key motorways and direct train services to Waterloo Station, London. The property is also adjacent to the TAG Farnborough Airport.


*As at 30 September 2022.

1. The property also includes five freehold reversions subject to long leaseholds and four listed buildings relating to British aviation history.


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Farnborough Business Park, Farnborough, Hampshire GU14 7JP, United Kingdom

Farnborough Business Park