As we juggle our schedules to keep pace with our hectic lifestyles, we tend to neglect our own physical and mental well-being.
Putting in place simple habits such as healthy eating or daily exercise can benefit our health in the long run. While it doesn’t take much to form simple habits, it does take deliberate practice. Research has shown that it takes an average of two months to form a habit.
The good news is that once habits are formed, they are difficult to alter. So, if you’re used to drinking 8 glasses of water or going for an evening walk, you don’t have to exert much self-control to keep it up!
Here are five simple tips and habits from our staff in Frasers Property Singapore, as they share with us what they do to lead a healthy, balanced and energised life every single day.
There you have it! These are some very simple tips you can incorporate into your daily routine and easily make into a habit for a long, healthy life.