Staying safe and healthy together with colleagues is one of our biggest motivations for improving wellness!
The month was eventful with safety talks, workshops and safety audits conducted concurrently with wellness activities comprising health screenings and talks, a health-related carnival as well as keep-fit activities like running and walk-jog. Frasers Centrepoint Singapore staff participated enthusiastically in all these activities that aimed to inculcate a safe and healthy culture towards our staff, partners and visitors.
In support of this month's Health and Safety initiative, Frasers Centrepoint Singapore’s key management came together for an interactive three-hour Safety Leadership Workshop.
Together with our key management at the Safety Leadership Workshop, Low Chee Wah, Head of Retail and Commercial Division, discussed health and safety challenges and formulated concrete plans to foster a sustainable injury-free culture at work.
The workshop explored the relationship between leadership, organisational culture, management systems and injuries. It was also an opportunity to discuss effective safety leadership beyond management systems.
Participants walked away with these areas to focus on – instilling best practices in the workplace, building consistent employee engagement towards a stronger safety culture and ensuring continuous improvement in safety measures.
In addition to forward planning leadership workshops, safety checks help ensure that the organisation is compliant to international safety and health standards. These safety audits are conducted frequently by teams made up of the respective building or mall representatives, technicians, building managers and supervisors together with the appointed auditors. Such reviews also identify areas for improvement to be incorporated in future business plans of the organisation.
Keeping this in mind, the team at Frasers Centrepoint Singapore recently embarked on the Occupational Health & Safety Management System (OHSAS 18001) audit. OHSAS 18001 constitutes a framework that allows the organisation to consistently identify and control its health and safety risks, reduce the potential for accident, aid legislative compliance and improve overall health and safety performance.
The Retail Properties team believes by implementing OHSAS 18001 it cements its commitment towards prioritising employee’s health and safety within the organisation. Most importantly, it means providing a safe working environment for all staff.
The Centrepoint underwent physical workplace condition assessments with an external OHSAS auditor to ensure consistent safety conditions for our employees.
And while the Commercial team is OHSAS 18001 certified, they partnered with the Workplace Safety and Health Council (WSHC) to encourage their tenants to take part in WSHC StartSAFE programme. The programme promotes the adoption of good WSH practices and provides hands-on guidance to tenants of our properties in rectifying the WSH lapses on the spot. Tenants who have participated in the programme will be awarded with bizSAFE Level 1 recognition.
Safety stays at the forefront of all projects with regular safety tours being conducted like this one at the site of our newest residential project, Seaside Residences.
The Development and Property team also conducts safety tours on all their projects on a quarterly basis to take stock and review the work procedures or systems to ensure safe operations for the wellbeing of workers.
As safety extends not just into tenants’ space but also the common areas, it is critical that we continue with regular safety audits to make Frasers Centrepoint Singapore a safe workplace to come home from.
Learning about safekeeping our environment, health and security never stops. Our staff gathered for two additional informational talks this month to understand more.
"Sending the EHS Message Right”, a talk presented by Yen Sen, the founder of ESHCO shared with participants how they can be more effective in their delivery of Environmental Health & Safety (EHS) messages. Yen Sen aspires to have people embrace EHS as one of their personal core values.
Participants of the “Sending the EHS Message Right” talk, participants learnt that communicating purposeful messages effectively and consistently is as important as the message itself.
Another talk that took place was "Protecting our Properties from Terrorism", which was targeted at Centre Managers and Facilities and Security Managers. The topics covered in this session included deterring and preventing terrorist attacks, anticipating and preparing for terrorist attacks and strengthening crisis response management based on real-life crisis scenarios.
A safe work environment gives us peace of mind to focus on our jobs, while a healthy mind and body enable us to perform our best. Focused on improving overall fitness and health, Frasers Centrepoint Singapore staff were treated to an array of lively activities and helpful talks.
Over a period of two days, the free screening provided an opportunity for all employees to do a comprehensive health assessment.
Recognising that regular check-ups are key to maintaining a healthy life, all our staff were offered a free health screening package which includes tests for diabetes, cholesterol, blood pressure, height/weight (BMI) as well as a chest X-ray.
The “Healthy Eating: Can it Prevent Cancer?” talk uncovered many tips to healthier eating for participants. Did you know that you can enjoy more nutrients from a tomato if it is cooked in oil?
Additionally, a “Healthy Eating: Can it Prevent Cancer?” health talk by Ms Liow Min Choo, SATA CommHealth Dietician was attended by about 30 staff who walked away with practical tips to healthier eating.
Staff were advised on the kind of exercise or nutrition they need to keep their health in check, based on their body fat measurement obtained at the wellness carnival.
Another activity which attracted many staff was The Frasers Health & Safety Carnival. Held during lunch hour, the carnival showcased a range of health products as well as a free spinal check-up, free body fat measurement and exercise/nutrition consultation. Visitors to the carnival also walked away with a free pack of nuts and a chance to win a lucky dip.
For our more active colleagues, taking part in the Frasers Global Running Challenge 2017 and the Walk-Jog @ Berlayer Creek encouraged them to exercise in their own time or enjoy a workout in the scenic outdoors with colleagues.
As August comes to a wrap, the Frasers Centrepoint Singapore team continues to implement all we have learnt this month to elevate the levels of workplace safety and encourage each other to maintain or adopt a healthy lifestyle!