Mr Ho Chai Seng
Mr Ho Chai Seng
Non-Executive and Independent Director
Non-Executive and Independent Director
Date of first appointment as director | Length of service as a director (as at 30 September 2019) |
30 June 2017 | 2 year 3 months |
Board committees served on:
- Nominating and Remuneration Committee (Chairman)
- Audit, Risk and Compliance Committee (Member)
Academic & Professional Qualifications
- Bachelor of Commerce, University of Windsor, Canada
- Member, Singapore Institute of Directors
- Member, International Bankers Association of Japan
Present directorships in other companies (as at 30 September 2019)
Listed companiesNil
Listed REITs/TrustsNil
Major appointments (other than Directorships)
- Executive Director and Country Manager, United Overseas Bank Ltd, Tokyo Branch
Past Directorships in listed companies held over the preceding 3 years(from 1 October 2016 to 30 September 2019)
- Frasers Property (UK) Limited
Past major appointment
- Vice President, BHF-Bank, New York
- Assistant General Manager, BHF-Bank, Singapore
- General Manager, DBS Bank, London
- General Manager, United Overseas Bank Ltd. London
- Executive Director, United Overseas Bank Ltd. Singapore