Mr Christopher Tang Kok Kai
Mr Christopher Tang Kok Kai
Non-Executive and Non-Independent Director
Non-Executive and Non-Independent Director
Date of first appointment as director | Length of service as a director (as at 30 September 2019) |
27 January 2006 | 13 years 8 months |
Board committee served on:
- Nominating and Remuneration Committee (Member)
Academic & Professional Qualifications
- Bachelor of Science, National University of Singapore
- Master of Business Administration, National University of Singapore
Present directorships in other companies (as at 30 September 2019)
Listed companiesNil
Listed REITs/Trusts
- Frasers Commercial Asset Management Limited, Manager ofFrasers Commercial Trust
Major appointments (other than Directorships)
- Chief Executive Officer, Singapore, Frasers Property Limited
Past Directorships in listed companies held over the preceding 3 years(from 1 October 2016 to 30 September 2019)
Listed companies
Listed REITs/Trust
- Hektar Asset Management Sdn Bhd, Manager of Hektar RealEstate Investment Trust
Past major appointment
- Chief Executive Officer, Frasers Centrepoint Commercial, FrasersProperty Limited
- Chief Executive Officer, China, Frasers Property Limited
- Chief Executive Officer of Frasers Centrepoint AssetManagement Ltd, the Manager of Frasers Centrepoint Trust
- Previously worked with DBS Bank, DBS Land and British Petroleum