2021 Challenge: Bridging Generations

With an aging population in Singapore, there is increasing attention paid to the less tangible impacts of demographic change:

  • inclusivity
  • intergenerational harmony, and
  • active ageing

In particular, the mental well-being of many seniors has become a priority.

Set against the backdrop of a rapidly ageing population, this year’s Inclusive Spaces aims to generate ideas and solutions that facilitate intergenerational bonding.


The Inclusive Spaces Empactathon® – a hackathon which aims to create an impact through empathy – is part of our commitment to inspiring meaningful experiences and creating communities. Held from May 29 to July 10, it involved a partnership between students, seniors and Design for Change Singapore – a social enterprise that empowers students to express their ideas and act on them. The dialogue and collaboration aimed to meld the experience of our silver generation with the creativity of our youth, and tap on the creativity of tertiary students to drive solutions in health, wellness, and the environment from the ground up. 

Our participants have worked to develop a report exploring how Singapore’s built environment could be better designed for our rapidly ageing society. This was done by distilling the intergenerational theme into three dimensions of design thinking: daily livingsocial living and mental well-being

Design for Change Singapore (DFCsg) empowers children with the 'I CAN' spirit to shape a more desirable and sustainable world. DFCsg is part of the Design for Change global movement that runs in 60+ countries.  


Empactathon® is intergenerational engagement using participatory design approach to co-design solutions for a better world. Empactathon is a registered brand of DFCsg. 



Award Presentation and Judging


This led up to a virtual event on 17 September 2021, where winning teams will present their prototypes and proposals to our Guest of Honour, Associate Professor Muhammad Faishal Ibrahim, Minister of State, Ministry of Home Affairs and Ministry of National Development, and our panel of esteemed judges.




Watch the video for Minister of State for National Development Associate Professor Muhammad Faishal Ibrahim’s thoughts on building an inclusive community, delivered during the finale virtual event, where the top ideas and prototypes were showcased and recognised.


Also check out what Mr Chia Khong Shoong, our Group Chief Corporate Officer, and Mrs Madhu Verma, Founder of Design for Change Singapore, have to share about developing empathy and inspiring innovative real estate ideas through Inclusive Spaces. Student participants and a Frasers Property employee volunteer also talk about their interesting experiences and insights through their participation in this initiative.

2021 Challenge: Bridging Generations